Yester-evening(yes, I am aware that is not a word...although it should be) after dinner was served and all babies were fed, I laid Bradlee down on her tummy on top of a boppy. I then walked into the kitchen to put away the leftovers. I heard a muffled thud, and didn't think much about it. Then I heard my mom say to Jack, " are you ok? just try and slide out of the chair." It was at that moment it registered...the glider Jack was sitting in had flipped was at that moment that my adrenaline kicked in and I ran into the living room and lifted the glider off of Bradlee!
I will try and paint the best picture I can. Our dining room has now been converted into baby land. We just laid down all the foam matting the day before, but had yet to put up the gates. Our living room flows into our "dining" room with a squared arch way. The glider was in the living room, facing away from the "dining" room, but was able to rock back into the "archway." Just beyond the archway, in the corner where the two walls come together is the babies play mat. I had laid Bradlee down, on her belly, to be able to look at the characters on the mat in the "dining" room (she was facing the back of the glider, about 3 feet away). When I got to her, the arch of the top of the glider was lying directly on the back of her neck.
I picked her up, she was blue, cold and clamy, with no real color in her face and arms. I yelled that she was blue and my mom called 911. I held her very still and bobbed and swayed. I started crying and in-between sobs, I just kept gasping "Oh my God!" It felt like forever, but was probably about a minute before she started crying. It was a cry I had never heard. I was flooded with fear, the only prayer that would come out of my mouth was "oh my God" and it was a cry out to my Father! Much like a toddler cries out for her daddy in the night. I knew He knew what I needed. Bradley's cry became more subtle and would only increase in strength, pitch and volume if she tried to lift her head from my chest. As her color returned, the ambulance arrived. Thankfully we have a fire fighter that lives down the street and when he heard our address over his radio, he came to the house to check her out. The ambulance arrived shortly after.
Riding in an ambulance once again took me back to when I was 23 weeks pregnant and sent to Augusta via ambulance. I became angry with myself. I fought so hard to carry my babies and now 3 days before they turn 5months old.... I had to start speaking God's truth to myself, because the what if's were beginning to consume me. What if I had been in the bathroom? what if I had been in the shower? what if I had gone outside to get the mail? by the time she would have been would have been too late, my sweet baby was suffocating. My hands are trembling and my tears are flowing as I type. Just the thought...
Thankfully our ER doctor is a good customer of Matt's. He was so kind and got all the necessary scans done in rapid time! Praise Jesus they all came back clear. But at the hospital Bradlee was inconsolable. Her cry was back to the pain stricken cry, nothing we did comforted her. Even her smell changed! Every time she moved her head she would wince and cry out. We tried a paci, and feeding her...and all the rock and sway methods. Four hours in, all head and neck scans clear, and she was still crying. The doctor wanted to get her an IV with morphine started and send her to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. He just didn't like how she was responding. But first we tried an enema of tylenol. 20 minutes later he ordered one more scan, this time of her clavicle. By the time we got the scan back, the pain and reduced enough where she wanted to eat! Since the scans were clear, she had eaten, and she was now asleep on my chest. I asked if we could try going home before Atlanta, and if she started vomiting, or crying uncontrollably again, or if she wouldn't eat, we would go. The doctor agreed and we went home.
Bradlee slept in her rock n play in our room and we all slept hard for three hours when we were awakened, 45 minutes shy of our alarm going off, by our dog throwing up on our carpet!!! I mean when it rains, it pours!
Bradlee is doing much better today. I can tell her head and neck are still very tender, but with Tylenol she even played a little! I took her to our pediatrician this morning just to get "the morning after check" and she was acting much better.
I am completely humbled! At times I do think "ok, I got this!" and last night in the ambulance I just kept thinking "this is too hard, how can one person be divided so many ways? How can I be good enough for six children and my husband? I am not strong enough, I don't have what it takes, I will always fall short! God has given me more than I can handle!" and it was at that moment that the "still small voice" reminded me that He HAS given me more than I can handle...alone. But with Him, we got this! He is sufficient, He is good enough, He is strong enough, He has what it takes, and He loves me and He loves my baby girl, and no matter what...He will see me through. I would love to say at "that moment" everything turned peaches...but that wasn't the case. I still had the what if's attack me throughout the night and again today, they are debilitating! But at "that moment" I was able to breathe and I was comforted!
It is easy to post time lapsed videos to the Oh My Quad Facebook page. It makes this job seem doable...and honestly, at times it is! And then there are times when you have all four babies crying at one time, your two older boys are trying to wash up for dinner and tell you about their day(as they fling water all over because they talk with their hands!), one dog is barking to be let in while the other dog is clawing at his food bowl, and the hubs is calling my phone(most likely to tell me he is running late) and I am trying to cook dinner!! Those are the times when I feel so divided and trying to hurry and get all tasks accomplished just makes me run further behind...I spill the dog food or I drop Campbell's milk! I throw ten balls in the air and miss catching all of them!!! Those are the moments I want to crawl under my covers, eat ice cream, and watch Lifetime movies! So to all those who have so kindly said I am a "rockstar," I thank you and then call you, silly! Please don't put me on a high horse...cause it sure hurts a lot more when I fall! I graciously accept and ask for your prayers for our family, and am so thankful for the love and support we have received.
Happy 5months to my four little monsters! You keep me on my toes...and on my knees!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
my stretch mark road map to healthy!
Am I insecure? What a loaded question! I would not say I am insecure; however, I would say that I struggle with insecurities! Thankfully I have accepted the truth that no one is perfect!!! That job was for Jesus and he nailed(no pun intended)! I know that the choices I make have consequences; therefore, I try and use my best judgement on the matter. Do I doubt myself? Sometimes! Do I always make the right decision? NOOO! I'm human...not robot! All that to say, I truly hope I do not offend anyone on the topic of exercise and health. We each have our own journey and I am not about to tell someone "what they should do;" however, I love seeing what others do and then make modifications that fit my life! Inspiration is not a how-to is a jumping off point for your creativity!
There is an amazing woman in our town that is a personal trainer! She helps woman every day on their quest to being the healthiest they can be...and she does it all to the glory of God! Although I have never personally worked out with her(I got 4 babies= lack of time and lack of $), I love seeing her post on FB and the stories her clients share about their transformation. She posted recently that we were made not to just survive...but to THRIVE!(a great song, by the way ;) ). And it's so true! The past few months I have felt so I was floating. This is the first time I have had six kids...I take it day by day, and just when I think I have a routine down, one of them changes it all up and stays awake all night and then sleeps all day (MEYERS...little stinker)! I was trying to get acclimated back at work ( a few hours a day, a few days a week)and I just felt unsettled without some sort of routine! The big boys started back to school this week and I decided this was my chance! I was craving some structure(and by structure I mean the kind of structure that isn't too structured and allows me to not set myself up for failure!). I knew this was the right time (for me) to undergo my ''operation healthy"(quote from another hometown inspiration).
I want to be healthy again and get my active body back. Not because "I feel pressured by society" to, but because I feel at my best! I want to be at my best for Christ, my family, myself, and anyone who struggles with the fear that "they can't do it." I am not a will not see me posting pics of me in a bikini running behind a stroller! (I would like to note, I was not offended by that picture, nor did I feel pressure to look like her. I give her props for being active with her child, no matter what clothing(or lack there of) she chose to wear). My goal is to be compete in a triathlon by the time I'm 33! That's three years! In the meantime I would like to run in the Disney princess half marathon, not this year, but next! I wish I could snap my fingers and be able to run for miles again...but I can't! I have to work at it! I have to take my exercise one day at a time! I tried running 3miles about a month and a half ago and the jiggle from my extra belly skin discouraged me, and the fact that by the time I made it to the end of my driveway I was already huffing and puffing(and no, I do not have a long driveway!). I was thinking too far in advance(for me, at that time). I needed to get back to eating healthy and then get my muscles active again. I was on bedrest for 10 weeks!!!! I remember being exhausted walking back and forth to the NICU! My body had been through it's own little war!!! I remember feeling so discouraged about my lack of physical strength because I had been in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant. But I prayed through those feelings of insecurity and God reminded me to "come just as I [am]." He offers the same peace no matter what I look or feel like!
My next topic of discouragement or insecurity was my stretch marks! Do they represent four little miracles and the amazement of what my body went through? Yes! are they beautiful because of that? YES! Do I wish I could take a picture to keep instead of having them on my body? a truthful...yes. Again, I do not intend to offend anyone, this is my personal journey and my personal struggle, and I share it to let others know who have these feelings that they are not alone! The struggle is real and an often lonely one.
A few years ago I was in a bible study that challenged us ladies to go home and look at ourselves (as stripped down as we were comfortable with), in the mirror, from head to toe, and say out loud what we loved about our features. The object was to get us to see the beauty in ourselves that God sees in us. I will never forget that exercise and still do it to this day when I feel insecure about my looks. I now see my stretch marks as a road map to my healthy body! There are twists and turns, smooth and rough surfaces, deep and wide and shallow and narrow pathways, all to remind me of what I have endured and to remind me that I don't have to lean on my own strength(because it's not sufficient) to get back to healthy! I know the road back is not going to be easy, I know I will have days where I want to nothing, but I also know that I was made to THRIVE and I want to set a healthy lifestyle example for my kiddos!
The pictures below are hard for me to post, but I have promised from the beginning I would be honest, and I am honestly proud of each and every one of these stretch marks and what they represent. They contribute to my body being perfectly imperfect!
There is an amazing woman in our town that is a personal trainer! She helps woman every day on their quest to being the healthiest they can be...and she does it all to the glory of God! Although I have never personally worked out with her(I got 4 babies= lack of time and lack of $), I love seeing her post on FB and the stories her clients share about their transformation. She posted recently that we were made not to just survive...but to THRIVE!(a great song, by the way ;) ). And it's so true! The past few months I have felt so I was floating. This is the first time I have had six kids...I take it day by day, and just when I think I have a routine down, one of them changes it all up and stays awake all night and then sleeps all day (MEYERS...little stinker)! I was trying to get acclimated back at work ( a few hours a day, a few days a week)and I just felt unsettled without some sort of routine! The big boys started back to school this week and I decided this was my chance! I was craving some structure(and by structure I mean the kind of structure that isn't too structured and allows me to not set myself up for failure!). I knew this was the right time (for me) to undergo my ''operation healthy"(quote from another hometown inspiration).
I want to be healthy again and get my active body back. Not because "I feel pressured by society" to, but because I feel at my best! I want to be at my best for Christ, my family, myself, and anyone who struggles with the fear that "they can't do it." I am not a will not see me posting pics of me in a bikini running behind a stroller! (I would like to note, I was not offended by that picture, nor did I feel pressure to look like her. I give her props for being active with her child, no matter what clothing(or lack there of) she chose to wear). My goal is to be compete in a triathlon by the time I'm 33! That's three years! In the meantime I would like to run in the Disney princess half marathon, not this year, but next! I wish I could snap my fingers and be able to run for miles again...but I can't! I have to work at it! I have to take my exercise one day at a time! I tried running 3miles about a month and a half ago and the jiggle from my extra belly skin discouraged me, and the fact that by the time I made it to the end of my driveway I was already huffing and puffing(and no, I do not have a long driveway!). I was thinking too far in advance(for me, at that time). I needed to get back to eating healthy and then get my muscles active again. I was on bedrest for 10 weeks!!!! I remember being exhausted walking back and forth to the NICU! My body had been through it's own little war!!! I remember feeling so discouraged about my lack of physical strength because I had been in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant. But I prayed through those feelings of insecurity and God reminded me to "come just as I [am]." He offers the same peace no matter what I look or feel like!
My next topic of discouragement or insecurity was my stretch marks! Do they represent four little miracles and the amazement of what my body went through? Yes! are they beautiful because of that? YES! Do I wish I could take a picture to keep instead of having them on my body? a truthful...yes. Again, I do not intend to offend anyone, this is my personal journey and my personal struggle, and I share it to let others know who have these feelings that they are not alone! The struggle is real and an often lonely one.
A few years ago I was in a bible study that challenged us ladies to go home and look at ourselves (as stripped down as we were comfortable with), in the mirror, from head to toe, and say out loud what we loved about our features. The object was to get us to see the beauty in ourselves that God sees in us. I will never forget that exercise and still do it to this day when I feel insecure about my looks. I now see my stretch marks as a road map to my healthy body! There are twists and turns, smooth and rough surfaces, deep and wide and shallow and narrow pathways, all to remind me of what I have endured and to remind me that I don't have to lean on my own strength(because it's not sufficient) to get back to healthy! I know the road back is not going to be easy, I know I will have days where I want to nothing, but I also know that I was made to THRIVE and I want to set a healthy lifestyle example for my kiddos!
The pictures below are hard for me to post, but I have promised from the beginning I would be honest, and I am honestly proud of each and every one of these stretch marks and what they represent. They contribute to my body being perfectly imperfect!
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with babies still in utero |
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4 months pp |
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if only pictures could let you feel the texture |
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